Merliah, queen of the waves |
Look, I'm pumping! |
No fear Lily! |
Lily and her best buddy Brooke |
One thing I really notice about Lily nowadays is her sense of independence. I can't pinpoint it exactly, but the areas we notice it the most in the area of her friendships, her love of reading, taking on more responsiblity at home and her physical skill development. She has developed some friendships with some neighborhood children and has really spread her wings. She plays with her new friends for hours. Many times the importance of these friends, has superseded her family. It has been an opportunity for us to teach many important skills. Her love of reading continues much to our delight. She is an awesome reader! I love listening to her read in the car or in her bedroom to herself. At home she has become much more agreeable in the areas of getting dressed, cleaning her room, and sharing reponsiblity for other areas in the house (i.e. basement, bathroom). Not that it is all rosy, but compared to the past, we can really see an improvement! Physically she has become so much more confident and willing to try a variety of new skills. She has learned to do skin the cat on the trapeze, complete 3 rungs on the monkey bars, and pump on the swing. Also, she has become a super awesome swimmer! So confident! At the ocean, she even went out into the big waves! I love it!