Tonight I had a very interesting and thought-provoking conversation with Lily
Lily: I don't think Santa is going to bring me much this year, I have been bad.
Me: Why do you say you have been bad?
Lily: Because I am always getting in trouble and getting privileges taken away.
Me: Why do you think that is happening?
Lily: I don't know, maybe Satan is in me.
Me: Why do you think that? Where did you hear that?
Lily: I don't know...
This conversation disturbs me on several levels. Yes, she is human and has been making poor choices, hence sinful behavior. We all do this from time to time.
However even though her behavior has been bad, she is not BAD as a bad person.
Next hearing her talk about Satan inside her....where on earth did she get that from? I am not saying that I don't believe Satan can influence and deceive people because I do believe He is real and like scripture says is a liar and a deceiver. That being said, we have never really talked about Satan with Lily in-depth except in reference to bible stories where He is mentioned.
So I am wondering....since her affect was so flat during this conversation was she trying to get a rise out of me? Does she truly think she has been bad? If she does think she has been "bad" is she remorseful? Does she really believe Satan is in her?
This especially makes me wonder in light of her story. The spiritual battle for her while we were in Guatemala. The spiritual battle for her every day. I know God has great plans for her, but I will be honest and say the past few years have been quite difficult. I won't lie and say that Olav and I haven't wondered if there is spiritual warfare going on for her.
Anyway, spiritual warfare is not a topic I like to discuss. I find it scary and threatening. Even though God has already won the battle and we already know the outcome.
That being said, tonight's discussion was definitely thought-provoking and unsettling.