Our beautiful girl!
Well, November has come and gone. Lily has been a gem! I know I say this often, but I just adore her heart. She has such a heart for others. She has a special way of making all the people in her life feel special. Over the last two days, she has lost two teeth! Very exciting! She exclaimed, "Mom my smile is a checkerboard!" We had our parent-teacher conference with Lily's 3rd-grade teacher last week. She reports that Lily is doing well and has shown great improvement in math. She also mentioned that Lily is an excellent reader, who reads with "best expression" in the class! She continues to excel at swimming. She just recently has been adding the breaststroke to her repertoire. She is still afraid to do her flip turns in competition, but hopefully, she will try it next competition! On Thanksgiving, Lily bonded with Kodi. Kodi then had the following conversation with his mom on the car ride home.
Kodi: Mom is it allowed to marry my cousin?
Mom: Well it's not illegal, but generally frowned upon in society. But allowed
Kodi: Great! I'm adding Lily to my list of potential wives.
Mom: You know you're 10....you don't need to pick a wife just yet...
Kodi: I know, I just want to be prepared with options