So I totally forgot to write about Lily's 1st Choral performance around Christmas time. It was spectacular! Lily was in the front row and she was so animated!!!! It was adorable! She has another chorus concert this week at the local high school, so hopefully I can get some good pictures of her to post!
Also, a few weeks ago we were at a swim meet, and up until that meet Lily had never done her flip turns in competition for fear of being disqualified. She was swimming the 100 M, and she actually flipped turn in the competition! I was sooooo proud of her! I asked her if she could hear me cheering for her and if was embarrassing her! Thankfully her answer was yes she could hear me and no she wasn't embarrassed!
Lastly, today I was reminded again of just how beautiful Lily's heart is! Jen, one of the Sunday school teachers caught me and told me that Lily had given some of her coins to a new little girl in the Sunday school, so she could put them in the offering plate as well as it went around. Jen was so impressed, that Lily was so thoughtful of another child when most children would normally think of just themselves! Proud mama moment! God made her pretty special!