Friday, May 27, 2022

Academic Excellence

Time continues to fly by.  Lily continues to practice driving.  Although she is somewhat reluctant some days.  I think it makes her feel a little anxious understandably so, but I feel like she is making great progress.

On Mother's Day, she made her 3rd ever goal in soccer, and can you believe it, neither Olav nor I were there to see it!  I was so bummed.  I rarely miss a game, but of course, the one weekend when I was out of town and Olav had a church obligation she scored!  I've got to give the girl credit, she appears to be popping in soccer, really holding her own on the field!  I remember this happened a few years ago when she was playing rec soccer.  It's super fun to watch!

Lily's soccer team at her Coach's surprise baby shower!

Last weekend she went to a "true Mexican style" quinceanera with her friend Madison.  She looked stunning at the end when I picked her up, although she never sent me any pictures (cue mommy tears). I think she enjoyed being immersed in the culture!  She said the music was super loud and she tried a few of the Latin dances.

This week at school she was recognized for Academic Excellence for having a GPA of 3.5-3.9.  I didn't get to go to the ceremony, but I have to say I am pretty proud of her, as I know school isn't always easy for her.

 Lastly, I know living with Ashton isn't always easy for Lily, but she's a tough girl and holds a lot together.  After a very stressful couple of days, I really felt like I needed a mental health day and I thought Lily could really benefit from one as well.  So when I asked her if she would like to skip school with me and have a mother/daughter day the floodgates just opened.  Sometimes in parenting, I feel like I do a lot of things wrong, but in this instance, I felt like I finally did something right.  I am so grateful to God for nudging me!

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Festivities in April

April is always filled with so many fun festivities, but this year Lily got to participate in something very special.  Her good friend Emery, also adopted from Guatemala had her quinceaƱera and Lily was invited to be a dama.  It was a wonderful evening filled with so much joy and happiness, plus Lily got to meet some fellow Guatemalan adoptees.  Lily and Emery looked absolutely stunning in their dresses with professional hair and makeup.  I was hoping Lily would send me some of the pictures she took, but no such luck!

Easter was also a very fun time, sharing the day with some friends!