Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sellos and Trees

As Lily's vocabulary develops she constantly brings a laugh or smile to our faces. The other evening...Olav was eating fish Sticks and a spinach salad. Lily exclaimed..."Daddy look fish sticks could tell she was searching for the word...finally, she did her best...and said "TREES"!" She knew that the spinach leaves looked like tree leaves!

Yesterday Olav was walking around some of you may know he has a large tattoo on his shoulder of an American flag and Norwegian flag. Lily, saw the tattoo and exclaimed, "Look Daddy sello".  Sello is the Spanish word meaning stamp (similar to what she gets after her gymnastic lessons). Needless to say, we were rolling on the floor. Let's just hope she decides she doesn't want a "sello" any time in the next 18-25 years:)

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