Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Terrible Three's

I love Lily dearly, but man...she can really drive me nuts! She has really been pushing all the buttons lately. Testing at every corner, not listening or responding with any consistent frequency, and using her words to assert her independence. Do I have gray hair yet? And she is only 3!

Other notable items...I try my best to integrate a little Spanish into Lily's life each day. One of the things I have noticed which brings a smile to my face is the use of la for every word. For example, the word could be a masculine word such as el perro, but to Lily, it is la perro. El Gato is la gato. And so on and so forth! At least she knows there is an article before the word!

1 comment:

Murph said...

Don't you love how nobody tells you the 3s can be worse than the 2s until you're there? It must be a big parenting secret no one wants to share. :)