Friday, December 18, 2009

It doesn't get better than this!

I have to say life with a 3.5-year-old while at sometimes is a oftentimes the very best! I am totally loving the 3-year world!

The other day Lily had dressed herself. She wore her favorite yellow plaid SUMMER dress, with flowery pink leggings, and a bright turquoise sweatshirt. We were walking in the mall and she was spinning and singing the hippopotamus for Christmas song at the top of her lungs.

Although I tell you I can't believe how much she has changed in just one year. The other day we were at the library for the time for 2's which we used to go to last winter when she was two. But the other day she seemed so much bigger than those kids....she was even bored or disinterested and wanted to leave...I guess she didn't like all those "babies".

She also is really developing a love of "reading" She loves to "read" the books to me. She has many sections of many of them memorized. Her current favorites are Apples on Top and Put Me in the Zoo.

One last note is Eve. She has read the creation story of Adam and Eve. But frequently she gets mixed up. The other day she told her daddy about Mary and Steve. This evening at the dinner table we were talking about Christmas Eve and she exclaims, "I know that story." So she brings her bible over to the table and we expect her to open it up to the Christmas story, but no she opens it up to Adam and Eve. Love it!

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