Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The story of your birthmother

Recently I came across the social study done by the Guatemalan govt. regarding Lilian's birthmother. I had never really read it in any detail. However, some things caught my eye that I wanted to record in English.

Lilian Bernardina Yac Lopez was born on Nov. 24, 1982

Her father lives in Santo Tomas La Union and works as a loader. Her mother died when Lilian was 15 years old.

Lilian has 7 brothers. All of them are older than she is.

She has one son, named Josue Uris Yac Lopez. In April 2007 he was 2 years old.

Our beautiful Lily was born in El Centro Medico Quirugico Tulam Zu in Mixco, Guatemala

Lilian was born in a two-parent home. She lived with her parents and her brothers. She began to work with her brothers and after she experienced bad treatment, she decided to find other work when she was 15 years old.

After many years and after knowing Antonio with whom they were boyfriend/girlfriend for 3 years, Lilian became pregnant with her first son, Josue.

Antonio denied that the baby was of him, and tried to lead her to have an abortion. But Lilian decided to have the baby and raise it herself alone.

She dedicated herself to work and then she came to know Fransisco Chosh with whom she had been dating for 1 year. This resulted in a 2nd pregnancy. Which is our beloved Lily.

Because the responsibility of another child was too much and they did not have anyone to lean on for support and the care of Lily while Lilian was working because Lilian's mother had passed away, and Lilian's home village did not know of this pregnancy, Lilian Bernadina choose adoption for Lily. She chose adoption because Lily would be able to have a family who would be able to provide for all of Lily's needs.

While I have no documentation regarding Lily's other siblings, I do know there was a rumor of Lily's birthmother being pregnant with the first 9 months of Lily's life. I do not know the whereabouts or the validity of this information.

Additionally while in Guatemala, we met Lily's birthmother on 3 occasions. She was pregnant and the baby was due sometime between August and October. I do not know what became of this child as adoptions were closed at this point.

Someday I hope to find out this information for Lily if she wants to know.

Upon Lily's birth, Lilian was living in a home in Zone 3 of Guatemala City as a domestic employee. She was making 400 Quetzals a month (equivalent to $57 a month)

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