Sunday, February 28, 2010

God's great plans

I often sense that God has some amazing plans for Lily. She sparkles so much! Lately, she has taken to being a greeter at the church. She loves standing by the door and opening the door for people and either shaking their hand, saying hello, or hugging them. It is precious to watch.

I know everyone thinks their child is somebody special, but I often wonder if God has some special calling for her. From Satan's defeat in Guatemala to the amazing sense of God's protective hand on Lily to her sparkling personality that shines wherever we go. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

I pray that her little heart continues to grow in faith. I pray that she will come to know Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. I pray that she will be a light for Christ and that many will come to know him through her. Thank you Jesus for reminding me that I am not her Savior, but thank you so much for letting me be her parent. I am very blessed.

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