Well, adjusting to big sisterhood has been good! Lily is a super big sister! She loves her baby brother a lot! She always wants to feed him and burp him (at least for 5 seconds) before she is distracted and moves on to the next thing she wants to do.
As always she has been super fiery. I feel like I am always battling with her. I definitely do not like that. She is so strong-willed and if she does not get her way she gets angry. She frequently stomps her feet, hits, talks back, etc. I pray that she learns to manage her anger and frustration better as she grows up...otherwise, those teenage years are going to be very difficult!
Yesterday I asked Lily if she heard me, and she smirked at Daddy and said, "I only pretend my listening ears are broken". Little booger:)
Of course, there is a very charming side of Lily as well! She was at Abuelita's house and she was hitting the cat with a stick. Abuelita told her not to hit the cat with the stick. Lily's response was, that she was sooo sorry, "I just get so excited when I get a stick in my hand."
Then lastly there is her spiritual component..which I adore and admire. The other day we had a friend over for dinner. Our S. is of the Jewish faith. Lily turns to me at dinner and whispers in my ear.. "mommy I don't think she knows Jesus". I was just dumbfounded...how pereceptive of her. I pray she continue to keep her passion for God.
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