Monday, August 27, 2012

1st grader in the house!

Today Lily began 1st grade!  So hard to believe!  Of course as usual she had pre-picked her new outfit, however once on, she decided it was too large and opted for one of her more tried and true skort and t-shirts.  She has Mrs. Riner and she reported having a good day.

 Mrs. Riner even gave her a lollipop!  (Which I have learned any person who gives Lily a treat (i.e. popsicle, lollipop etc) automatically is a winner!  Lily loved gymnastics camp because they gave her a popsicle.  Lily loved art camp because they gave her a popsicle.  Lily disliked soccer popsicle.  So things are starting off on the right foot!

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