Friday, October 19, 2012

High Flyer

Last night we had Lily's parent-teacher conference with her 1st grade teacher Ms. Riner.  Ms. Riner describes Lily as her angel and one of her high flyers!  Academically she is doing very well.  She is reading on level 14, which puts her about 3 quarters ahead of her grade level.  In Math, she can count up to 110 without errors, even though she only has to be able to count up to 70 to be on grade level.  She appears to love school and is doing well socially as well!  Her teacher did report that she had to move Lily's seat because she was such a social butterfly but that she has lots of friends and seems to interact very well with her peers.  She asked us to work on Lily's writing (placing letters on the line properly) and spelling stretching and sounding out words to spell)  as she knows Lily can do it, she just needs some coaching/encouragement to take the time to do it correctly.  Needless to say, we are super proud of our HIGH FLYER!!!!!  Way to go Lily.  You make your mommy and daddy super proud!

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