Sunday, November 18, 2012

Terrible sixes

I often don't post non-encouraging stuff in Lily's blog, but honestly, age six has been a tough one.  Lily is a very strong-willed young lady and she gets very angry when she does not get her way. She occasionally will explode into full-fledged temper tantrums complete with screaming, crying, stomping, door slamming, door kicking, etc.  We have tried things to curb the tantrums including rewards, consequences, and teaching her anger management skills, but sometimes it all seems futile. She does well for a small time and then a few weeks or days later she falls apart again.   I wonder if this is normal.  I wonder if she has some deep-seated anger issue that we need to explore in therapy?   I often fear for the future, wondering if this is some foreshadowing for what lies ahead.  I lie in bed many times at night calling out to God for guidance and wisdom in raising and disciplining her.  I remind myself how I begged the Lord to let us be her parents, and how he has given her to train her in His ways.  But I have to be honest when I say I am feeling really discouraged. 

I know her strong-will will serve her well in life, but man is it tough to parent!

She is very good at school and around others.  I have to give her credit for that!  It's really just at home.

In other news, Lily is really becoming a fluent reader. It has been so fun watching her read to herself in bed just for fun!  Reading is becoming more natural for her!  I love it!


Kathy said...

When we have similar issues, I always think that at least the kids can curb the behavior around others and maybe it is a comfort thing- she's comfortable enough at home and with you guys, to let all the anger and frustration out.

Megan said...

I completely agree with Kathy. We too have these problems. The temper has settled a little, for a while there I thought I was going to loose my mind. Now she just tells she wants to go live with her BM.... sigh... Keep your chin up Momma, you are doing a great job!