Monday, January 20, 2014

Proud mama momment?

Okay, so yesterday I had a pseudo-proud mommy moment!  We were in the car and Lily started complaining of a headache....this was right while we were in the car on our way to swimming class.  So I am thinking...where can I find children's Tylenol around the mall.  Then I look down and see I have some Tylenol caplets in the I offer Lily to try to swallow one pill.  I asked her if she knew how to do it and she said,'s like when I swallowed that chewing gum.  So I explained that she needed to swallow it quickly so that she didn't get that yucky taste in her mouth.  So I handed her a tablet thinking she may or may not be successful.  That I might have some drama, but was easy peasy for nothing!  I think of all the dramatics I had as a kid trying to swallow pills....and here she went like it was nothing!  So that is where the proud mama moment comes in!  Of course, then the dark side of that is I don't want my child poppin' pills as a habit now or in the future!

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