Well, April has kicked off with a huge whirlwind. On April 1st, Lily, Decka, and I boarded a plane for Guatemala to visit Bubby Patricia and Guillermo for Semana Santa. What an amazing time. While there we visited two different hogars (orphanages)
The first one was Oasis, which is basically a foster care home for girls who have been sexually abused, physically abused, and neglected. Here the girls get a chance to go to school, go to therapy several times a week, and have a safe place to live where they receive physical, emotional, and spiritual care. Some of the girls have families and some do not. Bill and Pat act as God parents to one of the young ladies, named Tatiana in Oasis. She is 17 years old and has a very rough past. Including being sold when she was young for 50 Quetzals (equivalent to about $7 US). Being kidnapped, being sexually molested and abused by family members, etc. She has run away from previous orphanages and has been at Oasis for 3 years, apparently the longest placement she has ever had. She could speak a little English and she and Lily bonded over "camera wars" i.e. taking each other pictures with their respective cameras. If you ask Lily what her favorite part of her trip to Guatemala and Tatiana is in the top 3.
Oasis |
Tatiana |
Some of the girls playing with their ipads |
Tatiana |
In addition to young girls, they have also opened up a new wing, which includes a young mama's ward for young women who have been raped and impregnated and are now raising babies. Hard to believe the girls were 12, 14, and 15 with babies ranging from 9 months to 18 months. Meaning that one of the girls was impregnated at age 11. The Tia's (house mothers) basically teach them how to parent and also parent them.
Some of the mama's and the their babies |
The second hogar we went to was called Luz de Maria. There were 31 children of both genders from ages 6 months to 10 years. There were three nineras (caretakers) who were responsible for them. I think it was overwhelming for Lily and Decka. I did talk Lily and Decka into holding a baby to help with their brain development. Lily also handed out rice crispy treats that she and Bubby made.
While in Guatemala we also went to a wheelchair ministry called Hope Haven. Since it was a holiday the shop was empty, but it was really cool to see the facility where families' lives are changed by gaining mobility. Lily and Jessica really enjoyed climbing the avocado tree, playing avocado soccer, and bonding with the dogs.
Hope Haven Warehouse |
Climbing the avocado tree |
Hope Haven dog, Rita |
Another highlight of Guatemala was meeting our Compassion child, Kimberly. We spent the morning and early afternoon at the Children's Museum in Guatemala City. What a wonderful experience it was for everyone! It really broke down the language barrier!
From left to right: Jessica, Kimberly, Lily, Our translator Kimberly, Kimberly's mother, Manuel, Kimberly Compassion teacher, and me! |
Another highlight of Guatemala was celebrating Lily's 9th birthday Guate style! Bubby made her a traditional Guatemala breakfast, yummy chocolate cupcakes, and Lily got some money to do a little shopping in Antigua! She got two pairs of really cute shoes (wish they had my size!) and a Guatemalan purse!
Birthday breakfast! |
Birthday with tricky candles |
Check out those new shoes!
While in Guatemala we did a little sightseeing. We took Lily and Jessica to Antigua so they could enjoy the Semana Santa festivities. Lily had a chance to help make a small portion of a sawdust alformbra. She loved picking up the remnants of floral alformbras and making her own at home!
Using the stencil! |
Posing by tiny part of the finished product |
Lily's homemade alformbra |
Hill of the Cross |
More Hill of the Cross |
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Pretty Lily at Casa Santo Domingo |
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More pretty Lily at Casa Santo Domingo |
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Peace out a Casa Santo Domingo |
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A beautiful sawdust alformbra |
Lily in the tuk-tuk |
We also went to Lake Atilan. Even though we had been to Panahajael/Lake Atitlan when we lived in Guatemala, I never took her across the lake due to the "public boats" which have 15 life jackets and are packed with lots and lots of people! But now since she can swim better than anyone in our family, we went across the lake! Lily loved being at the head of the boat! We enjoyed an amazing afternoon at the La Casa de Mundo and walked to the village of Jabilito. We hoped to see a bit more, but we ran out of time. Next time!
Lake Atitlan
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Dippin her feet in the Lake |
Fishing boats on the shores of Lake Atitlan |
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Front of the boat! |
In addition to all the sightseeing, Lily and Decka endured me reuniting with friends. We saw Antonio, Sonia, and their daughter Cessy. It was their house that Lily ran into that allowed us to eventually leave the country! We also saw Lily's old nanny Elaina and our former caretaker of our first apartment in Antigua, Christina, and her daughter Erika.
Christina and Erika |
Antonio, Sonia, and Cessy |
Elaina |
Last but least through it all we got to enjoy time visiting Bubby Patricia and Guillermo. Lily loved being there and loved their dogs...Tresy Lee, Pinky Lupit, and Lucy Kathleen.
Upon our return, Lily had her first lacrosse game. Olav got an amazing picture of her!
Hopefully later on will come pictures from Easter and her birthday party! Until later!
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