Last day of 5th grade
Today is Lily's last day of 5th grade! The end of 5th grade has been a whirlwind socially for her. Many of her girlfriends are developing "crushes" on boys, sending notes to boys, and "asking boys out". While she is not there yet, she sure is enjoying the drama of it all! Lily appears to have a really good head on her shoulders, she doesn't seem to give in to peer pressure. Apparently, her fellow classmates have been goober-heads and while the teacher is disciplining the group, she silently mouths to Lily "Not you". She is however experimenting at home with boundaries. Sometimes being disrespectful and argumentative. While I don't want to crush her spirit, I'll admit it is hard to know where to draw the line in the sand. I feel like it is a big learning curve for both of us! I just want to wrap her in bubble wrap and keep her little!
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