Saturday, April 14, 2018

Your ruining my life and other pre-teen joys

Lily is a full-fledged pre-teen.  This Tuesday I officially got the "you are ruining my life" comment! I had to take her to math tutoring at the tutoring center 30 minutes early because I had a doctor's appointment.  They had accommodated me and told me she could work with Mr. Tony one of the owners and a male tutor.  As I dropped her off and explained the situation she said to me, "You are ruining my life!"  Really????

Also, I forgot to mention that upon re-entering the United States after being in Guatemala we had to go through the Automated Passport Control.  At the kiosk, as a final step, they take your photograph.  Lily being a preening pre-teen had to flip her hair and get it just right for her re-entry photo.  LOL!

We had a mini Easter celebration last week with Lisa and her family.  The kids had a great time looking for Easter eggs in Pop Pop's backyard.

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