May has been a wild ride in the Gjerde household. We have taken three family camping trips with different groups and Lily has even gone camping with her 6th grade schoolmates! First, we went camping with Cagle girls, then we went camping with our small group bible study, and lastly, we went camping with part of the Henry clan. On Lily's school camping trip, she went on a ropes course and she said she did a zip line! Lily definitely has become more teenager-like in that she seems to need time just to be alone and veg out, while camping she has fun, but then she would disappear into the camper to text on her phone or watch a video.
Cagle family |
Lily and Abigail |
Small Group Camping trip |
Lily X 2 |
Ready to kayak |
Lily had her first chorus concert at school. She said she didn't enjoy the experience very much so I don't know if she will do it again in the future. She also played goalie in soccer for the first time ever. She said she was near tears because she was so nervous, but she did great she prevented several goals! It also seems like a switch has come on with soccer, like all those skills she has been practicing are finally coming together. The last few games she really has turned on the skill!
Lily also has been wanting a bikini, I've gone back and forth on it...not quite emotionally ready for it, but I think we found one yesterday that we both can live with. She does look super cute and I am glad she has the confidence to wear it! I'm just not prepared for all the attention it may draw to her!
Also, our dear friend lice has visited us yet again. This time Lily found it herself! I didn't even cry this time! I've lost track of how many times our dear Lily has gotten this pesky disgusting bug! Hopefully we can get rid of it for good!!!!
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