Saturday, July 28, 2018

An awesome human being!

Lily really is an amazing human being!  I am in awe of her much of the time!  She has such a big heart!

So first, she still has the "boyfriend".  They haven't seen each other over the summer, although we did try to find him in Bethany Beach, but they continue to text and "duo" each day.  It continues to be pretty innocent, but there sure is a lot of I love you going around!  He was using a lot of bad language initially with her, but after we told her it needed to stop, he stopped thankfully!

She just finished a week of babysitting camp called Safe Sitter.  I was super impressed!  Once she is 13 years old she will be an amazing babysitter!!!!

We went to Bethany Beach with the Best family and Ms. Jessica's family.  I think Lily had a good time, but I think the girls got on her nerves. Both Chloe and Isabelle would go at it!  I don't think Lily cares for the drama too much.  But I must admit I was really proud of her, she did extremely well!  I asked her what her favorite part of the beach was and she said it was seeing her cousin Aly at the beach!  My sister and her family were there at the same time and came to visit us at the beach 3 times!

We recently got free backpacks and school supplies and Lily with her big heart wanted to give them to one of the little girls we sponsored in Guatemala!

Yesterday we were driving and she decided she wanted to de-winterize our homeless bags and hand them out.  Again, such a big and thoughtful heart!

She is fun to be with most of the time, except if she is moody:)  She's got a good sense of humor too!  I heard on the radio the other day Pastor Tony Evans talking about relationships and rules, and how as children age they may want to rebel against the rules, but if you have a good relationship with them, they will want to preserve that relationship and the rules deal more with respect, that children are more likely to respect the rules because of the relationship instead of rebel against the rules.  I am praying that is the case with her!

She loves her YouTube videos and constantly wants us to watch some of the funny things she finds!

I head to Thailand for two weeks in August.  I haven't been away from her for that long since we lived in Guatemala.  Hopefully, the nannies and Daddy will be okay and I won't miss her too much!

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