Thursday, April 13, 2023

Birthfamily update and April fiestas

April is always such a busy month, with so many activities and celebrations.  This past weekend we celebrated Easter with some family friends.  I upped the Easter egg hunt game with some cash, and the kids were super motivated to find the eggs.  At the end of the day, there are still 2 eggs out there, each with a one-dollar bill tucked in it!

Lily celebrated her birthday many times over with various friends.  Sam, Susan, and Tina took her out to Mexican and mortified her with a birthday serenade.  Her boyfriend Raymond took her out to IHOP.  Last night we went out for Hibaci with Lily's good friend Carolina to celebrate along with her wonky Baskin and Robbins Chick Cake  She received many thoughtful gifts including, a gift from Raymond's mom, a gas card from Tina, and other thoughtful gifts from friends and family.

We also received an update from Lily's birth family as well.  It's always nice to hear how they are doing and see new photographs.

Kim Gjerde

Lilian Bernardina Yac

Lily es ama de casa y se ocupa de las actividades de su Iglesia Evangélica con la ayuda de Susana.

Lily is a housewife and is occupied with the activities of their Evangelica Church with the help of Susana.

Manuel se dedica a Orar, a predicar y toda la familia viaja para Tucurú, Alta Verapaz, hacer misiones.

Manuel is dedicated to prayer, and preaching, and the entire family travels to Tucuru, Alta Verapaz to do missions

 Susana tiene 14 años de edad, no estudia y se dedica a las actividades de la Iglesia juntamente con sus Padres.

Susana is 14 years old and does not study and she is dedicated to the activities of the church together with her parents.

 La familia está bien de salud

The family is in good health

Lily contesta la carta:  Lily answers the letter:

Familia feliz año 2,023 y que la Navidad lo hayan pasado en convivio familiar y felices.

Family, Happy New Year, and that Christmas passed with family and happiness.

Espero que todo les esté saliendo bien, tengan una buena salud y armonía en su hogar.

I hope that everything is okay and that you have good health and harmony in your home.

Ojalá le hayan ido muy bien en la competencia a Lily; Es una Atleta.

I hope Lily did very well in the competition.  She is an athlete.

Lily es muy inteligente y dedicada en sus estudios para estar en el cuadro de honor que bendición y felicidad.

Lily is very intelligent and dedicated to her studies for to be on the honor roll is a blessing and happiness.

Espero que le guste la experiencia del trabajo en un Restaurant y se adapte a sus compañeros de trabajo y la presión del trabajo.

I hope you like the experience of working in a restaurant and you adapt to your co-workers and the work pressure.

Familia los queremos mucho y muy agradecidos con Ustedes por hacer lo posible de enviarnos víveres, carta y fotos.

Family we love you very much and are very grateful to you for sending us food, letters, and photographs. 

Ustedes son una bendición en la vida de nosotros y de Lily principalmente porque llegó a su hogar recibiendo amor.

Your family is a blessing in our lives, and mainly Lily because she arrived at your home where she receives love.

Lily eres una hermosa niña maravillosa, gracias por ser como eres, estoy muy orgullosa de ti y eres bendecida por Dios porque tienes una capacidad de entendimiento especial. Te amo, quiero conocerte algún día y sé feliz con cada logro agradeciéndole a Dios.

Lily, you are a wonderful beautiful girl, thank you for being you.  I am very proud of you and you are a blessing because God has given you a special capacity for understanding.  I love you, and I hope to meet you one day and that you are happy with every blessing, thanking God.

Vas a tener un trabajo, ruego a Dios que tu experiencia sea lo mejor y te guste esa actividad.

 You are going to have a job, I pray to God that you have the best experience, and you like the activity.

Familia gracias por todo que Dios los bendiga y lo proteja siempre.

Family,  thank you for everything.  May God bless you and protect you always.

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