Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday Night-Frederick

So do you ever wonder what parents of toddlers do on a Saturday night when their toddler needs to run off some energy?

Surprising...they all go to the mall!!!!

Last night we went to Barnes and Noble to "play" in the kids section...only to learn that half of Frederick's population also thought it was a great idea. Not that I am complaining. We met a ton of nice people, it was just an interesting sociological observance.

We also have decided that if we want Lily to experience a true blend of cultures and races then hanging out at the city park and the mall are the way to go. Those places are teaming with multi-multiculturalism which I simply adore and believe is good for children to be surrounded by. Plus where else can you hear multiple languages being spoken everywhere you turn!

Other random thoughts for the day...

Lily loves currently is her favorite food

This morning in bed for a brief moment she was cuddling us...she wrapped her arms around both of us and said "amigos" and gave us 1 big amigo hug. If I could only freeze that moment in time!


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