Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lily's 1st Thanksgiving in the USA

We are happy to report that we celebrated our first Thanksgiving with Lily at home! It was a wonderful time filled with lots of family. My aunt, uncle and cousin came. As did my father and stepmother. And of course all the usuals, Lisa, John, Jay, Brian, Jessica, Kodi and Aly.

Of course, in classic Lily style, she didn't eat a thing! It really amazes me how she can sustain herself!

A couple random thoughts that have made us laugh recently.

The day after Thanksgiving our neighbor had caught a deer and had it hanging from a tree while he was "cleaning" it. Lily saw it as we drove past and said "Pinata". Oh, the eyes of a two-year-old!

Also today we saw Santa and he had a big bag of wrapped toys. Lily exclaimed, "Muchas happy birthdays". So cute!

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