I have to say life with a 3.5-year-old while at sometimes is a challenge...is oftentimes the very best! I am totally loving the 3-year world!
The other day Lily had dressed herself. She wore her favorite yellow plaid SUMMER dress, with flowery pink leggings, and a bright turquoise sweatshirt. We were walking in the mall and she was spinning and singing the hippopotamus for Christmas song at the top of her lungs.
Although I tell you I can't believe how much she has changed in just one year. The other day we were at the library for the time for 2's which we used to go to last winter when she was two. But the other day she seemed so much bigger than those kids....she was even bored or disinterested and wanted to leave...I guess she didn't like all those "babies".
She also is really developing a love of "reading" She loves to "read" the books to me. She has many sections of many of them memorized. Her current favorites are Apples on Top and Put Me in the Zoo.
One last note is Eve. She has read the creation story of Adam and Eve. But frequently she gets mixed up. The other day she told her daddy about Mary and Steve. This evening at the dinner table we were talking about Christmas Eve and she exclaims, "I know that story." So she brings her bible over to the table and we expect her to open it up to the Christmas story, but no she opens it up to Adam and Eve. Love it!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Life through Lily's eyes
Recently Lily and I have had some interesting conversations...
The other day she said she wanted to get married. First I asked her who she wanted to marry. She first said Mommy, but I told her I was married to Daddy. She then said Daddy, but we told her that he was married to Mommy. So she said she wanted to marry a skunk!
Today she and I were talking about boys and girls. Identifying who was a boy and who was a girl. For example is mommy a boy or a girl? Anyway, after several correct identifications, I asked her how she knew that some people were girls and others were boys. She said boys have cut hair and girls don't have cut hair.
Lastly, after a temper tantrum today because she was not the center of the universe for 30 minutes, she asked me to dry the raindrops from her eyes:)
The other day she said she wanted to get married. First I asked her who she wanted to marry. She first said Mommy, but I told her I was married to Daddy. She then said Daddy, but we told her that he was married to Mommy. So she said she wanted to marry a skunk!
Today she and I were talking about boys and girls. Identifying who was a boy and who was a girl. For example is mommy a boy or a girl? Anyway, after several correct identifications, I asked her how she knew that some people were girls and others were boys. She said boys have cut hair and girls don't have cut hair.
Lastly, after a temper tantrum today because she was not the center of the universe for 30 minutes, she asked me to dry the raindrops from her eyes:)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
With much gratitude
Boy...I can't believe I have let a whole month go by without posting!
Anyway.... there is nothing is life that makes you more grateful for your own child, than taking care of another family's children. I had the privilege of watching my niece and nephew whom I absolutely love and adore for about 5 days! However, after 5 days I was ready to give them back to their mommy and daddy and developed a new appreciation for my own child. Because sure...I often think...Lily drives me nuts...but when I see her interact with others, I realize just how kind, sweet, and nurturing she is. So why she may not listen all the time and I feel like banging my head up against a wall...I realize she has a special gift that very often I take for granted.
Lily is also very creative. She loves making up all kinds of stories. Normally they have to do with whatever she has either watched on TV (i.e. Lion King) or learned in church (i.e. baby Moses or baby Jesus and the angel). I love hearing her ramble on. I especially like it when all the stories mix themselves up....for example, the lion king goes to baby Jesus. I need to remember to tape her telling one of her stories one day!
I am sure every mother thinks her child is smart...but I am telling you...Lily really impresses me! She can identify all her letters. Knows their sounds. Can identify words that start with those sounds! So Awesome! GT baby! She now can count not only in English and Spanish but also in Norwegian! I can't believe how quick she picks things up!
Favorite color nowadays is PINK. She wants to wear the pink socks, the pink dress etc..
Her favorite dress of all time is this summery butter-yellow patchwork dress that Ms. Gretchen gave her. If she could she would wear it all the time!
Our new favorite activity to do together is exercising on the swiss ball. Since I have had to do exercises for my spine and she always wanted to play with my ball, I brought her home from work her own small swiss ball. She is super at it! She can plank and do backward kickovers! I love it!
My dad bought me a yoga tape for my birthday so maybe she'll want to do that with me too!
Anyway.... there is nothing is life that makes you more grateful for your own child, than taking care of another family's children. I had the privilege of watching my niece and nephew whom I absolutely love and adore for about 5 days! However, after 5 days I was ready to give them back to their mommy and daddy and developed a new appreciation for my own child. Because sure...I often think...Lily drives me nuts...but when I see her interact with others, I realize just how kind, sweet, and nurturing she is. So why she may not listen all the time and I feel like banging my head up against a wall...I realize she has a special gift that very often I take for granted.
Lily is also very creative. She loves making up all kinds of stories. Normally they have to do with whatever she has either watched on TV (i.e. Lion King) or learned in church (i.e. baby Moses or baby Jesus and the angel). I love hearing her ramble on. I especially like it when all the stories mix themselves up....for example, the lion king goes to baby Jesus. I need to remember to tape her telling one of her stories one day!
I am sure every mother thinks her child is smart...but I am telling you...Lily really impresses me! She can identify all her letters. Knows their sounds. Can identify words that start with those sounds! So Awesome! GT baby! She now can count not only in English and Spanish but also in Norwegian! I can't believe how quick she picks things up!
Favorite color nowadays is PINK. She wants to wear the pink socks, the pink dress etc..
Her favorite dress of all time is this summery butter-yellow patchwork dress that Ms. Gretchen gave her. If she could she would wear it all the time!
Our new favorite activity to do together is exercising on the swiss ball. Since I have had to do exercises for my spine and she always wanted to play with my ball, I brought her home from work her own small swiss ball. She is super at it! She can plank and do backward kickovers! I love it!
My dad bought me a yoga tape for my birthday so maybe she'll want to do that with me too!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Too much halloween?
I think Lily has officially had too much Halloween and it isn't even real Halloween until tomorrow night! Yesterday I was telling her that we were going to join our friends Abigail and Elizabeth for a Halloween party today....her response was..."Again!" We have been doing a lot of Halloween-themed things such as two pumpkin patches/farms and two fall festivals. So I guess she is done...you think?
Also, just a sweet note...tonight at dinner she is blowing on her french fries (her fave food in the world...that her momma never lets her have!) and she says to me repeatedly....mommy did they cool up yet?
Love it!!!!
Also, just a sweet note...tonight at dinner she is blowing on her french fries (her fave food in the world...that her momma never lets her have!) and she says to me repeatedly....mommy did they cool up yet?
Love it!!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Catching up
Pony ride at a local county fair |
Pony ride at a local county fair |
Unicorn Halloween costume |
Swimming Class |
Singing in the rain |
Driving the school bus at a county fair |
Current favorite Color: Pink
I had always counted my blessings that for the most part, Lily let me dress her in whatever I picked out. But this past month or so she has begun to express some real preferences. At first, it started out with the color of her socks. They had to be pink! Then occasionally, especially on days when we have swim class and I want to put in the brand new dress I bought her (the only dress I have bought her this year...mind you...my simple pleasure), she wants to wear her favorite summer dress that Ms. Gretchen gave her for her birthday! It is a good thing Ms. Gretchen bought it one size larger!
Lily just completed her first swim class. Her improvement was incredible. The first class she loved, the second, she cried for 15 minutes and I had to bribe her with candy to complete the class. And the 4 out of 5 classes left I had to bribe her even though she loves it when she is there, she cries every time about going beforehand. Anyway, I can't believe how much she improved after 7 1/2 hour lessons. It is a bummer she doesn't want to continue because she really was doing fabulous! I think I sit out this next session and then maybe try again in the mid-winter or early spring. It is a good thing though I am not a swimming teacher...I got nervous sometimes just watching her!
We have had such a fun fall...we have done so many fun things! I never realized how much I love fall until I had Lily.
Lily has begun to talk about being adopted. She said, "You adopted me when I was a baby and I fell into Mama's pouch". A while back we read a book called A Blessing from Above. Basically, a mama bird has lots of birds in a nest and it is too crowded. A kangaroo wants to be a mama but can't. So the kangaroo prays that somehow she will have a baby in her pouch. One day with the nest overcrowding...a little baby bird falls out of the nest and right into the kangaroo's pouch. So sweet. Anyway of course now I am trying to explain the best I can that she didn't fall out of a nest, and even though she didn't grow in my tummy (or pouch), she grew in my heart.
In other news, our beautiful Lily is fiery! Not that we didn't already know that, but some days lately have been enough to exhaust any mama! I know it will so serve her well in life, but man...sometimes I wish she would just say, "Alright mama...I will do whatever you ask me to do!" A mom can dream, right?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Terrible Three's
I love Lily dearly, but man...she can really drive me nuts! She has really been pushing all the buttons lately. Testing at every corner, not listening or responding with any consistent frequency, and using her words to assert her independence. Do I have gray hair yet? And she is only 3!
Other notable items...I try my best to integrate a little Spanish into Lily's life each day. One of the things I have noticed which brings a smile to my face is the use of la for every word. For example, the word could be a masculine word such as el perro, but to Lily, it is la perro. El Gato is la gato. And so on and so forth! At least she knows there is an article before the word!
Other notable items...I try my best to integrate a little Spanish into Lily's life each day. One of the things I have noticed which brings a smile to my face is the use of la for every word. For example, the word could be a masculine word such as el perro, but to Lily, it is la perro. El Gato is la gato. And so on and so forth! At least she knows there is an article before the word!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A year later...
My Dearest Lily,
Wow, tomorrow marks the 1st anniversary of we all came home from Guatemala to be a forever family. I am filled with joy and gratitude toward God and all the wonderful friends, family, colleagues, etc... who loved, encouraged, supported, prayed, etc. us on our journey. Sometimes I still can't believe God's goodness, providence, mercy, and grace to us.
Happy Gotcha day Lily girl! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
I remember there were times, when I prayed out to God, if we are not allowed to adopt you...who will save you...God spoke out loud to me, and he said..."Kim, you are not her savior". So I begged Jesus, knowing that he was your savior, could we at least be your parents?. We are so thankful to God that he allowed us to be your parents. You bring us so much joy! I love your laugh and your smile. Each day when I wake up, I can't wait to see your smiling face!
I hope as you grow older that you will find joy, peace, security, and contentment knowing that you were wanted so badly and loved so fiercely. I know that your adoption in the future may cause you to feel a sense of loss. I pray that if you experience any grief that your heart will be healed.
Love you Lily girl! May we celebrate many more Gotcha Days!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
2006 was a good year for.....
BOYS!!!! Frederick County must have had a boom on boys! It cracks me up...almost every class or event Lily is enrolled in locally, she is the female minority. In daycare, this year she is the only girl. Last year...there were only two girls. In her first swim class tonight...again the only girl. In Sunday school...often she has been the only girl...but our friends have a daughter also...so sometimes they both are there! No wonder she loves dinosaurs, lions, sharks...
In other news, Lily started swimming lessons today. After trying to fit swimming lessons in this summer unsuccessfully, I am dedicating this year to swim education! She did great. I was actually a bit nervous for her because they start them out in the deeper end (4.5 ft) and encourage them to actually "swim" with their "bubbles". But she did great! I don't think she is feeling quite confident to float independently, but hopefully, after a few more lessons she will be!
She has been such a sweet girl. I so enjoy her! We have such a good time. She is active and friendly...and of course adorable! She has such a nurturing sweet soul...I wonder what she will decide to be in life...a vet? or a nurse? She loves animals and is friendly to everyone!
In other news, Lily started swimming lessons today. After trying to fit swimming lessons in this summer unsuccessfully, I am dedicating this year to swim education! She did great. I was actually a bit nervous for her because they start them out in the deeper end (4.5 ft) and encourage them to actually "swim" with their "bubbles". But she did great! I don't think she is feeling quite confident to float independently, but hopefully, after a few more lessons she will be!
She has been such a sweet girl. I so enjoy her! We have such a good time. She is active and friendly...and of course adorable! She has such a nurturing sweet soul...I wonder what she will decide to be in life...a vet? or a nurse? She loves animals and is friendly to everyone!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
New experiences abound!
We just came back from a two-week trip to Denmark and Norway. Lily experienced so many new things in those two weeks. I loved seeing it through a child's eyes.
A few recent highlights
While waiting for the aircraft to leave Kristiansand, there was a group of religious people. One of the men was wearing a black cloth tied in the back to cover his hair. She said, "Look Mommy A PIRATE!"
Then yesterday when we were waiting to board the plane in Copenhagen, there was a woman dressed in a beautiful rich purple "dress" with the top of her head covered in an ornate gold and black scarf. She said, "Look Mommy, A PRINCESS!"
Lastly, my favorite, and one where I am quite glad she said it in Spanish..was when we arrived in IAD there was another religious woman dressed from head to toe in black, with just a small slit for her eyes. She said, "Fantasma", which means ghost in Spanish!
While in Denmark we saw the Little Mermaid statue. Lily went to look into the water and said, "Hey Mommy...look, mermaids!"
A few recent highlights
While waiting for the aircraft to leave Kristiansand, there was a group of religious people. One of the men was wearing a black cloth tied in the back to cover his hair. She said, "Look Mommy A PIRATE!"
Then yesterday when we were waiting to board the plane in Copenhagen, there was a woman dressed in a beautiful rich purple "dress" with the top of her head covered in an ornate gold and black scarf. She said, "Look Mommy, A PRINCESS!"
Lastly, my favorite, and one where I am quite glad she said it in Spanish..was when we arrived in IAD there was another religious woman dressed from head to toe in black, with just a small slit for her eyes. She said, "Fantasma", which means ghost in Spanish!
While in Denmark we saw the Little Mermaid statue. Lily went to look into the water and said, "Hey Mommy...look, mermaids!"
Monday, July 27, 2009
Lily isms
Just came back from a week at the beach with Lily. Wanted to capture some of her "Lily isms"
My (your) eyes are melting: I (you are) am crying
Pligit or Pliglet: Piglet
Seahorse: Eeyore
The Humpy (unknown word) troll: The grumpy old troll
Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh, stumpy (unknown words): tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff
My (your) eyes are melting: I (you are) am crying
Pligit or Pliglet: Piglet
Seahorse: Eeyore
The Humpy (unknown word) troll: The grumpy old troll
Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh, stumpy (unknown words): tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Scarred for life?
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Strawberry Fields |
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Future family Christmas card? |
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Guatemalan cuties |
In other news...we have had such a fun summer. We started off by going to the blueberry and strawberry patch! What a blast! Lily loved eating them!
We then went to Port Discovery with Tia Elaine. I think she enjoyed it...but it too was quite noisy and overstimulating. Filled with camp kids. We went back after lunch and it was much quieter and relaxing.
Then we went to the DC Zoo with some new/old friends from Project OZ. Three other adoptive families joined us. It was so cool to see all the kids and fellowship with the adults. We took a group picture of all the Guatemalan cuties and of course all but Lily sat and posed....Lily was busy climbing the tree behind them!
This past weekend we went to the Please Touch Me Museum and Sesame Place. Good fun was had by all! Of course after all this activity little Lily monster is sick:(
But let me tell you....she is such a trooper! I am so proud of her...sometimes I think maybe we are doing something right.
One night we were driving home from a birthday party in Columbia and she in typical Lily fashion started asking for a Kleenex...of course, we were driving so we were unable to accommodate her. At one point I look back and there is blood everywhere. Her nose had been bleeding! So of course quickly Daddy pulled over the car and I got in the back and got some Kleenex. Of course, Lily says "Don't worry Mommy it's only sangre (blood)". Something we had taught her earlier in life. Not to be afraid of blood. She was so calm and sweet!
Then she recently had to get two shots. Since she sees Daddy giving himself shots all the time..she knows what they are. We went to the doctor one day and she asked me, "Mommy am I going to get a vacuna (shot). I didn't want to lie, so I told her yes, two...We talked about how brave she is and if she did a good job she would get a premio (prize). She was absolutely amazing. I was soooo proud of her. You could tell it hurt, but she was so brave. She kept telling the nurses how brave or valiente she was. Of course, next door was another little person screaming their lungs out and I thought for sure it would upset her...but she was amazing!!!!
She always amazes me...I am so proud of her on so many levels.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Mommy the "nino" is yucky
The other evening I was reading "The Giving Tree" to Lily in Spanish. The book starts out with the young boy the "nino". At the end of the book, the "nino" is old and crotchety looking. Lily says to me..."ewe Mommy the "nino" is yucky". I guess she hasn't seen too many older people lately!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Some pictures from April, May and June
Monday, June 8, 2009
Olav fun....
I love it...Jingle bells, jingle bells...jingle all the way...OLAV Fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
Of course, Lily just loves Christmas as well...She has talked about it all year so far!
Of course, Lily just loves Christmas as well...She has talked about it all year so far!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I'm Angry!
Our beautiful Lily is such a sweet loving little girl. Who is so full of life and energy! She recently has learned to identify some of her emotions. Her primary ones have been..."I'm angry" or "I am putting on my angry face".
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Lily is deathly afraid of bugs...I have absolutely no idea where she got this fear from...we are of the mentality unless it is really offensive...live and let live...her philosophy is KILL IT MOMMY...KILL IT DADDY!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
We think her ears are broken!
What did you say? You heard us! Lily's ears are officially broken...her compliant listening days have gone (wait after 9 months were there any complaint listening days:)). Maybe they will return...hopefully!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter, Passover and Dance Class
Wow...all these firsts...
This was our first easter here in the US. While we did a "light" easter in Guatemala last year (basically looking for plastic eggs), this was our first year doing all the "easter" crafts. First, let me say that coloring eggs with a 3-year-old is much more exciting in thought, than in actual practice. I was so excited about doing this with her. Unfortunately, the egg dying took all of 3 minutes! Lily didn't want to use the wax crayon or put stickers on the eggs...she wanted to dunk them and dry them. Then she wanted to eat one. So she smashed it with her fist! Now that was funny! At first, I thought maybe it was just me...maybe I didn't explain the whole egg-dying process to her properly. So we had a second chance at Tia Lisa's house. I thought now that she had some practice, maybe it would go more smoothly...not...3 minutes later, and she was done!
Easter morning I hid her basket...she promptly found it with no time to spare! Later that afternoon we went to Pop-Pop's house and found plastic eggs that the "easter bunny" had hidden. Very fun!
Lily also went to her first Passover seder. I was concerned because it was being held at my aunt Dianne's house which is not child proof and the sedar can take quite a while. Of course, my sister had said that last year her kids sat through the whole sedar. I couldn't believe it...there was no way Lily was going to sit for that long. We got through the first page...after that...I don't remember much of the seder. Lily was busy and active! Shortly thereafter Kodi and Aly decided to get into the act as well! Shortly before dinner, someone offered the great idea of watching TV...MAGIC. The 3 children were unmovable, quiet, and focused. We enjoyed our dinner without distractions.
Lily began her first dance class as well. Talk about cute!!!!! OMG!!!! I felt kind of emotional though as this was a class for 3-year-olds and it wasn't a mommy-and-me class. At the beginning of the class, the teacher went around the circle and asked the children who their best friend was. I thought for sure Lily would say Aly or Kodi or someone from daycare...but she said, MOMMY!
They then did 10 minutes of Tap,, 10 minutes of Ballet, and 10 minutes of Creative Movt. Can I say again...oh soooo cute!!!!!! My favorite was when the teacher was teaching them the basic positions of ballet...1st, 2nd, and 3rd....when Lily did 2nd...she spread her feet way apart and squatted...Oh so cute...I laughed so hard!
This was our first easter here in the US. While we did a "light" easter in Guatemala last year (basically looking for plastic eggs), this was our first year doing all the "easter" crafts. First, let me say that coloring eggs with a 3-year-old is much more exciting in thought, than in actual practice. I was so excited about doing this with her. Unfortunately, the egg dying took all of 3 minutes! Lily didn't want to use the wax crayon or put stickers on the eggs...she wanted to dunk them and dry them. Then she wanted to eat one. So she smashed it with her fist! Now that was funny! At first, I thought maybe it was just me...maybe I didn't explain the whole egg-dying process to her properly. So we had a second chance at Tia Lisa's house. I thought now that she had some practice, maybe it would go more smoothly...not...3 minutes later, and she was done!
Easter morning I hid her basket...she promptly found it with no time to spare! Later that afternoon we went to Pop-Pop's house and found plastic eggs that the "easter bunny" had hidden. Very fun!
Lily also went to her first Passover seder. I was concerned because it was being held at my aunt Dianne's house which is not child proof and the sedar can take quite a while. Of course, my sister had said that last year her kids sat through the whole sedar. I couldn't believe it...there was no way Lily was going to sit for that long. We got through the first page...after that...I don't remember much of the seder. Lily was busy and active! Shortly thereafter Kodi and Aly decided to get into the act as well! Shortly before dinner, someone offered the great idea of watching TV...MAGIC. The 3 children were unmovable, quiet, and focused. We enjoyed our dinner without distractions.
Lily began her first dance class as well. Talk about cute!!!!! OMG!!!! I felt kind of emotional though as this was a class for 3-year-olds and it wasn't a mommy-and-me class. At the beginning of the class, the teacher went around the circle and asked the children who their best friend was. I thought for sure Lily would say Aly or Kodi or someone from daycare...but she said, MOMMY!
They then did 10 minutes of Tap,, 10 minutes of Ballet, and 10 minutes of Creative Movt. Can I say again...oh soooo cute!!!!!! My favorite was when the teacher was teaching them the basic positions of ballet...1st, 2nd, and 3rd....when Lily did 2nd...she spread her feet way apart and squatted...Oh so cute...I laughed so hard!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Random thought of the day
We are reading bedtime stories tonight and of course in a huge "sorpresa" Lily picks her favorite book...A Spanish treasury of Princess Stories given to us by a dear friend. The book is extra loved...the princess's insides have been ripped out...the book cover has been separated from the spine. Soon I am going to have to duck-tape the rest of the book together. She loves the pictures and occasionally lets me read a few sentences to a few paragraphs in Spanish!
Monday, April 6, 2009
She's 3!
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Rock it out baby! |
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Tengo 3 anos! |
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Yo soy Lily...professional pinata striker! |
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Lily saltando in the moon bounce |
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Globos from Bubby Patricia and Guermillo |
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Painting our pinata |
At 3 she loves to do puzzles. She has gotten very good at them. She can do 24 and 30-piece puzzles all by herself. For Easter, I bought her a 50-piece puzzle and another friend just bought her a 48-piece puzzle.
We celebrated her birthday in several ways. I bought a pinata with strings and we took it to daycare. The kids enjoyed the experience as for many of them it was their first pinata. We also made cupcakes. Lily enjoyed using the beaters. She wanted to do it all by herself. She also enjoyed putting the sprinkles on the cupcakes. We tried to keep it as hygienic as we could, but she kept wanting to put the sprinkles in her mouth!
The next day we had a small family party. We invited my family and a few of our close friends. Lily and I made a pinata together. It was a really fun project. I think we will try to do that every year. The first day we did it, I am not sure she really got the hang of it. But by the 3rd layer, she was professional. We had a great time trying to whack it open. Lily and I did such a good job on the pinata that it took a plank of wood swung at half force to crack it open. Thanks to our friend Mr. Jeff.
Lily had her first experience with the Easter Bunny. Of course, she had to see him, but once she got up close to him, it was the death grip! At one point in the evening, the Easter bunny got out of his chair and walked toward a door. Lily followed him until he reached the door. When he went through the door she stated, "He has to go to the bathroom".
Now every time she hears the word Easter.. she shouts Easter Bunny. So cute!
Lily also has discovered glue! We went to this Easter Eggstravaganza and she was at a craft table with glue, tissue paper, and a cardboard egg. Let's just say the cardboard egg was so heavy and laden with glue that we left one of them there at the Eggstravaganza and I threw the other one away when we got home. It would take them months to dry!
Lily continues to love to dance and sing. I wish I could figure out how to embed a video because we have some video of her which is just a crack up. She takes her blood pressure cuff and uses the ball as a microphone. She sings random songs with random words. Not even quite sure what she is saying!
She is doing really well with her Spanish teacher. We love Ms. Rosa. She is so patient with Lily and Lily is learning so many new things. She has been singing up a storm in Spanish lately! Of course, we are so proud.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Chill Out!
Last night Olav and I were relaxing on the couch...watching our daily evening entertainment (Lily)...when she turned to us and said in her big girl voice....CHILL OUT! We burst into laughter! This a phrase that Daddy frequently says to Lily when she gets worked up or whiny.
So then I got to thinking....she often borrows phrases from her daddy's vocabulary but not mine...why?
Our hypothesis...I am always speaking to her in Spanish..and since she prefers English...she has no phrases to repeat. Of course that is just our current hypothesis!
So then I got to thinking....she often borrows phrases from her daddy's vocabulary but not mine...why?
Our hypothesis...I am always speaking to her in Spanish..and since she prefers English...she has no phrases to repeat. Of course that is just our current hypothesis!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Download before I forget!
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Lummi Sticks at Gymnastics |
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Bat Girl...upside down! |
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This is what no nap looks like! |
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Readoption Day |
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Readoption day...Lily wants to swing on the jury bar |
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Chillin with Daddy |
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Playing with brother Fredrik |
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Super Cool Lily with upside down "lentes del sol" |
Lily's re-adoption hearing was about 2 weeks ago. In some ways it was just a formality, basically cementing Lily's adoption by US law and giving her a certificate of Foreign Birth birth certificate that can be obtained through the Department of Vital Records. I didn't think it would affect me too much emotionally, but I did feel the tears welling beneath the surface as we went before the judge. What was interesting is that of the 10-15 re-adoptions being done that day...we were the only husband-wife group re-adopting. A sign of the times huh? All the others were either a co-parent or second-parent adoption of same-sex parents. We tried to get a picture of Lily with the judge, but the best we got was her swinging on the jury rail next to him!
Lily loves gymnastics. Her favorite things are the ladder and the rings! We are so thankful to our friends who gave her this class as a welcome-home gift!
Have toddler...will travel...to Denmark and Norway! Are we crazy or what...we shall see! We hadn't planned on going to Norway as when I priced it earlier it was going to cost over 5K. However, a dear friend told me about an airline sale through SAS for half-price. We decided to do it! However, we decided to go through Denmark and see Copenhagen and Legoland! Should be fun! Either that or we will come home with bullet holes through our heads!
Lily has started the "bailar" phase. She only wants to wear dresses that she can "bailar" or dance in (really spinning around). Also lately she only wants to wear her "zapatos de tacones or zapatos de bailar" (Shiny shoes or dancing shoes). She even wears them to sleep!
I can't believe her 3rd birthday is coming up in less than 2 weeks! We are going to have a small family birthday party for her! I am excited I got her a "digital camera"...so she can "click, take a pic" like Dora!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
She remembers!
I can't believe it! She remembers! In Guatemala women frequently walked on the streets selling tortillas. They carried the large baskets on their heads. Last night we were playing and Lily put a pillow on her head (like she had a basket) and asked us if we wanted to buy tortillas. I was in awe...I couldn't believe that 5 months here and she still remembers that! How cool!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Sellos and Trees
As Lily's vocabulary develops she constantly brings a laugh or smile to our faces. The other evening...Olav was eating fish Sticks and a spinach salad. Lily exclaimed..."Daddy look fish sticks and....you could tell she was searching for the word...finally, she did her best...and said "TREES"!" She knew that the spinach leaves looked like tree leaves!
Yesterday Olav was walking around shirtless...as some of you may know he has a large tattoo on his shoulder of an American flag and Norwegian flag. Lily, saw the tattoo and exclaimed, "Look Daddy sello". Sello is the Spanish word meaning stamp (similar to what she gets after her gymnastic lessons). Needless to say, we were rolling on the floor. Let's just hope she decides she doesn't want a "sello" any time in the next 18-25 years:)
Yesterday Olav was walking around shirtless...as some of you may know he has a large tattoo on his shoulder of an American flag and Norwegian flag. Lily, saw the tattoo and exclaimed, "Look Daddy sello". Sello is the Spanish word meaning stamp (similar to what she gets after her gymnastic lessons). Needless to say, we were rolling on the floor. Let's just hope she decides she doesn't want a "sello" any time in the next 18-25 years:)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Adjectives Abound....and Princesses
Lily is truly amazing to watch. I just love watching and listening to her. Seeing the world through her eyes is always a joy.
One of the things I love is her new use of adjectives. A few weeks ago we went into American Eagle with Fredrik, she picked up a bright orange shirt and exclaimed, "Oh so pretty!" She can be heard frequently commenting on how beautiful, pretty, or even awesome something is!
Then there is the fascination with princesses. Not sure where it came from...but man...we have princess fever in our home. A while back our dear friend Colleen bought Lily a treasury of Disney princess stories in Spanish. It has become Lily's favorite book. Even though she doesn't really let us read it...as it does have lots of words on the page and they are all in Spanish, she loves to look at the pictures. She knows all the princesses by name...even the ones I don't know like Mulan. I guess there is something innate with little girls and princesses!
One of the things I love is her new use of adjectives. A few weeks ago we went into American Eagle with Fredrik, she picked up a bright orange shirt and exclaimed, "Oh so pretty!" She can be heard frequently commenting on how beautiful, pretty, or even awesome something is!
Then there is the fascination with princesses. Not sure where it came from...but man...we have princess fever in our home. A while back our dear friend Colleen bought Lily a treasury of Disney princess stories in Spanish. It has become Lily's favorite book. Even though she doesn't really let us read it...as it does have lots of words on the page and they are all in Spanish, she loves to look at the pictures. She knows all the princesses by name...even the ones I don't know like Mulan. I guess there is something innate with little girls and princesses!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Mixed emotions
This weekend has been filled with mixed emotions.
On the fun side...I can tell Lily Pad is going to be a fabulous shopper. Yesterday when we went to the mall with Fredrik, she would pick up an item and exclaim, "Oh so pretty". Tonight we went to a hibachi restaurant to "celebrate" my sister's new job. I am not sure if Lily loved it or was terrified of it!
In sad news, my sister recently accepted a job in NYC. That means over the next few months, Lisa and her family will be transitioning to the NY/NJ area. Very sad for me. And of course Lily pad. I had so wanted her to grow up with her cousins close. Oh well...so is life...
On the fun side...I can tell Lily Pad is going to be a fabulous shopper. Yesterday when we went to the mall with Fredrik, she would pick up an item and exclaim, "Oh so pretty". Tonight we went to a hibachi restaurant to "celebrate" my sister's new job. I am not sure if Lily loved it or was terrified of it!
In sad news, my sister recently accepted a job in NYC. That means over the next few months, Lisa and her family will be transitioning to the NY/NJ area. Very sad for me. And of course Lily pad. I had so wanted her to grow up with her cousins close. Oh well...so is life...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Well, it has been a while since I have posted so I wanted to download some random thoughts.
Ever since Lily has seen Beauty and Beast with her Spanish teacher one day she has become fixated on princess stuff. My girlfriend had bought her a Spanish treasury of princess stories. She won't let me read the words, but she LOVES the pictures. Especially Belle, Jasmin, and Pocahontas.
A funny thing happened recently while we were reading/perusing the princess book...one of the characters was Mr. John Smith from Pocahontas. Lily's uncle is named John also. She made the connection that Mr. John Smith had the same name as her Uncle John...she said, "Look Mommy...Tio John!" (That is what she calls her Uncle John). Needless to say, Uncle John was quite tickled to be "referenced" as Mr. John Smith
She has also developed a love for anything Disney...that's my girl...much to her daddy's disappointment. He is still trying to brainwash her to think Mickey is a rodent. I look forward to the day when she is old enough and we can take her to Disney. Olav said he would never go...but I have a feeling he will change his mind:)
Tonight we were reading The Jungle Book. In one of the pictures, the monkey is holding Mowgli by his shorts. Lily exclaimed, "Look Mommy he is going to pull the pull-ups off!" Oh if we could capture it and bottle it!
Lily got to finally meet her other brother Fredrik today. She took to him immediately! I do hope we get to see more of him!
That's all for this download...hopefully, I will post some new pics soon!
Ever since Lily has seen Beauty and Beast with her Spanish teacher one day she has become fixated on princess stuff. My girlfriend had bought her a Spanish treasury of princess stories. She won't let me read the words, but she LOVES the pictures. Especially Belle, Jasmin, and Pocahontas.
A funny thing happened recently while we were reading/perusing the princess book...one of the characters was Mr. John Smith from Pocahontas. Lily's uncle is named John also. She made the connection that Mr. John Smith had the same name as her Uncle John...she said, "Look Mommy...Tio John!" (That is what she calls her Uncle John). Needless to say, Uncle John was quite tickled to be "referenced" as Mr. John Smith
She has also developed a love for anything Disney...that's my girl...much to her daddy's disappointment. He is still trying to brainwash her to think Mickey is a rodent. I look forward to the day when she is old enough and we can take her to Disney. Olav said he would never go...but I have a feeling he will change his mind:)
Tonight we were reading The Jungle Book. In one of the pictures, the monkey is holding Mowgli by his shorts. Lily exclaimed, "Look Mommy he is going to pull the pull-ups off!" Oh if we could capture it and bottle it!
Lily got to finally meet her other brother Fredrik today. She took to him immediately! I do hope we get to see more of him!
That's all for this download...hopefully, I will post some new pics soon!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
And she's only two and a half!
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Lily doing Dance Dance Revolution! |
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Shoveling the Snow |
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First Sled (trash bag) ride |
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First Snowman |
I have also included some fun pics of Lily doing Dance Dance Revolution and our recent snow...only about an inch or two...but enough for Lily to have a true 1st snow experience
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Our feminist daughter:)
Lily loves the song Santa Claus is coming to town. Ever since she saw the movie Elf at Christmas, she has sung it daily. However, she has her own version which cracks me up.
She sings...
SHE knows when you are sleeping...SHE knows when you're awake...SHE knows when you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake! Hey...
Even if you try to sing it correctly, she will correct you! Gotta love it! Go girl power!
She sings...
SHE knows when you are sleeping...SHE knows when you're awake...SHE knows when you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake! Hey...
Even if you try to sing it correctly, she will correct you! Gotta love it! Go girl power!
Friday, January 16, 2009
God's faithfulness continually revealed in our lives
Today I had God mind-blowing experience. It continues to bring me to my knees in awe and worship!
You may remember when we lived in Guatemala, we considered hooking up with a lawyer who knew people, with the idea of fast-tracking our case. It seemed a little sketchy, but we were desperate. He asked for 6K, for his services. Having been burnt so many times we were super skeptical. I felt as if I was unable to make a good decision. I prayed to God to open and close doors, because I did not feel like I was capable of making the "ethical" decision. Miraculously God protected us from him. This lawyer claimed that he had the signature of the head honcho of PGN on our file and was expecting his money. Of course, he was lying. That same day the head honcho of PGN was "fired" and our file was exactly where our ASG lawyer had told us it was...with the 1st reviewer. Thankfully we never paid him any money. And we never had contact with him again.
Fast forward almost a year later...today I emailed an acquaintance who recommended this lawyer...asking how his case was proceeding. The news I received was very sad...this lawyer was kidnapped by the Guatemalan Mafia. He recently was freed and hospitalized. This acquaintance's case has been stuck in PGN and with no lawyer, they remain stuck until further notice.
I thought to myself...Thank you Jesus for sparing us this...I can't imagine what would have happened had we paid this guy his 6K, got stuck with him, and then after all the ordeal we had been through before... had to then deal with this. Thank you, God, that you saved us from this!!!! I continue to bow down in awe and gratitude.
Also, sometimes when I am thinking of how to raise Lily to be a god-fearing woman I get overwhelmed. I think, "How is it possible?" and "How will I protect her?". Knowing full well she and I will make plenty of wrong choices on the road.
A dear friend came over the other day and reminded me, that the same faith you relied on in Guatemala to bring Lily home, will be the same faith that you rely on to raise her. It doesn't change. So Lord, help me to continue to lean on you, trusting that your ways are greater than mine (as evidenced by today's earlier posted situation).
With love, respect, and awe,
You may remember when we lived in Guatemala, we considered hooking up with a lawyer who knew people, with the idea of fast-tracking our case. It seemed a little sketchy, but we were desperate. He asked for 6K, for his services. Having been burnt so many times we were super skeptical. I felt as if I was unable to make a good decision. I prayed to God to open and close doors, because I did not feel like I was capable of making the "ethical" decision. Miraculously God protected us from him. This lawyer claimed that he had the signature of the head honcho of PGN on our file and was expecting his money. Of course, he was lying. That same day the head honcho of PGN was "fired" and our file was exactly where our ASG lawyer had told us it was...with the 1st reviewer. Thankfully we never paid him any money. And we never had contact with him again.
Fast forward almost a year later...today I emailed an acquaintance who recommended this lawyer...asking how his case was proceeding. The news I received was very sad...this lawyer was kidnapped by the Guatemalan Mafia. He recently was freed and hospitalized. This acquaintance's case has been stuck in PGN and with no lawyer, they remain stuck until further notice.
I thought to myself...Thank you Jesus for sparing us this...I can't imagine what would have happened had we paid this guy his 6K, got stuck with him, and then after all the ordeal we had been through before... had to then deal with this. Thank you, God, that you saved us from this!!!! I continue to bow down in awe and gratitude.
Also, sometimes when I am thinking of how to raise Lily to be a god-fearing woman I get overwhelmed. I think, "How is it possible?" and "How will I protect her?". Knowing full well she and I will make plenty of wrong choices on the road.
A dear friend came over the other day and reminded me, that the same faith you relied on in Guatemala to bring Lily home, will be the same faith that you rely on to raise her. It doesn't change. So Lord, help me to continue to lean on you, trusting that your ways are greater than mine (as evidenced by today's earlier posted situation).
With love, respect, and awe,
Friday, January 9, 2009
That's my girl!
Nature vs. nurture is a funny thing. Sometimes I watch Lily and I feel like I have a little mini-me running around. I know she is simply modeling behaviors that she has seen or heard, but it is endearing nonetheless.
For example, I have this terrible habit of eating my hair. I have had it since childhood and can be found eating my hair in all kinds of situations, including social so many times I have to pull it back just to prevent an embarrassing situation (i.e. eating my hair in a job interview?) We'll Lily pad has picked up on my little habit and has begun to make it her own! I hope that is the worst of the bad habits she picks up from me.
Another habit she recently has picked up is my hair twirling while I am on the phone. It is adorable to watch her talk on the phone either for real or pretend, twirling her hair!
Now if we could just get her in the habit of going to bed early and sleeping at least til 8 a.m.!
A couple other random thoughts...
Favorite Movie: Peter Rabbit
I had a proud mommy moment today. I went to pick Lily up from Mrs. Helen's and all the kids were outside. Lily and all the boys were running back and forth and back and forth racing each other...while the other little girl T. was sitting in the swing watching. I was so proud of my little Lily pad...running her little heart out among the boys!!!! That's my girl!!!!
A poem I think is really special:
Not flesh of my flesh
Nor bone of my bone
But miraculously my own.
Never forget, even for a minute
You weren't born under my heart,
But in it.
Lastly, I know it is random placement, but I have never included this in a blog before and I wanted to publish it so that it doesn't get lost. This was written by my dad Jay in Oct. of 2006. He went to Guatemala with me (my 2nd time, his first) and we spent a glorious week in Antigua, Guatemala with our beautiful 6-month-old Lily Pad.
I have just finished spending the most incredible week of my life and found that I am in love again. It is hard to describe exactly how I feel, for at the moment I am recovering from extreme sadness and pain after being on such a high. It does not help that around me are babies going home and the one that I love remains with a foster family in Guatemala.
I can only imagine the pain of giving birth to a child. However, I believe I have seen and will be seeing for the next few months (hopefully not too long) a pain that may be more devastating than anything experienced in childbirth. It is a pain to leave a child with intermediaries for the foster family/adoption agency after having spent such a few glorious days with the dearest baby in the world and knowing that one will have to go through those same feelings several times again – leaving with the ache for the sight of that beautiful child looking back at me in such a trusting, loving way until I can arrange another visit. It could be months until the baby can come home. How will I live with these feelings? This is not the excruciating pain involved in hours of delivery, but the pain of emotional and physical separation that lasts for weeks and months until the adoption is final and she can come home. Others have done it and so can I! International adoption is another equally rewarding but painful means of giving birth.
All these feelings and I am just the grandpa
For example, I have this terrible habit of eating my hair. I have had it since childhood and can be found eating my hair in all kinds of situations, including social so many times I have to pull it back just to prevent an embarrassing situation (i.e. eating my hair in a job interview?) We'll Lily pad has picked up on my little habit and has begun to make it her own! I hope that is the worst of the bad habits she picks up from me.
Another habit she recently has picked up is my hair twirling while I am on the phone. It is adorable to watch her talk on the phone either for real or pretend, twirling her hair!
Now if we could just get her in the habit of going to bed early and sleeping at least til 8 a.m.!
A couple other random thoughts...
Favorite Movie: Peter Rabbit
I had a proud mommy moment today. I went to pick Lily up from Mrs. Helen's and all the kids were outside. Lily and all the boys were running back and forth and back and forth racing each other...while the other little girl T. was sitting in the swing watching. I was so proud of my little Lily pad...running her little heart out among the boys!!!! That's my girl!!!!
A poem I think is really special:
Not flesh of my flesh
Nor bone of my bone
But miraculously my own.
Never forget, even for a minute
You weren't born under my heart,
But in it.
Lastly, I know it is random placement, but I have never included this in a blog before and I wanted to publish it so that it doesn't get lost. This was written by my dad Jay in Oct. of 2006. He went to Guatemala with me (my 2nd time, his first) and we spent a glorious week in Antigua, Guatemala with our beautiful 6-month-old Lily Pad.
I have just finished spending the most incredible week of my life and found that I am in love again. It is hard to describe exactly how I feel, for at the moment I am recovering from extreme sadness and pain after being on such a high. It does not help that around me are babies going home and the one that I love remains with a foster family in Guatemala.
I can only imagine the pain of giving birth to a child. However, I believe I have seen and will be seeing for the next few months (hopefully not too long) a pain that may be more devastating than anything experienced in childbirth. It is a pain to leave a child with intermediaries for the foster family/adoption agency after having spent such a few glorious days with the dearest baby in the world and knowing that one will have to go through those same feelings several times again – leaving with the ache for the sight of that beautiful child looking back at me in such a trusting, loving way until I can arrange another visit. It could be months until the baby can come home. How will I live with these feelings? This is not the excruciating pain involved in hours of delivery, but the pain of emotional and physical separation that lasts for weeks and months until the adoption is final and she can come home. Others have done it and so can I! International adoption is another equally rewarding but painful means of giving birth.
All these feelings and I am just the grandpa
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Are you sure she is from Guatemala?
Some days I wonder if Lily is really from Guatemala or some other arctic country? Maybe Norway? Anyway, our child loves to be naked all the time even in the frigid winter, and on top of that loves to go outside half-dressed in the cold! Crazy Chick!
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