Sunday, December 21, 2008

Protecting Lily

We've only been home 3 months and in just a short time I have come face to face with the harsh realities of adopting a child from another country. I knew it would happen...but nevertheless, it saddens me deeply...I wonder how I will be equipped to deal with the questions and comments. Will I have the right answers at the right time? Will I accidentally share too much of Lily's "private" story somehow exploiting her in the pursuit of honesty or will I become jaded and angry and strike back in equal rudeness. How will I be able to help Lily deal with people's questions and comments?

Lord, help us to protect our precious daughter Lily. We love her so much.


1 comment:

Kathy and Jaimie said...

Hi Kim,
I'm so sorry you and Lily have already had to deal with this. I worry all the time about the racism that Izzie will surely have to confront in the US. I am praying for you and with you!