Monday, July 11, 2011

So proud!

One of the joys of being home full-time is enjoying all the little things that Lily says and does!

I am so super proud of her! Last week she got her swimming "report card". She has moved up to the next level! I was hoping she would! Her confidence is incredible! Yay, Lily!

Also the other day we were in the grocery store...I heard myself in Lily when she said to me, "Mommy my patience is done.". Another mom overheard this and laughed out loud...So funny!

Lastly, yesterday Lily put on her marriage counseling skills. Ashton's birth mom is separated from her husband and the father of her daughter. Lily was wondering why they didn't live together anymore. I explained it to Lily the best I could, but as inquisitive as she is I guess she wanted the answer from the source. So while at church yesterday, Ms. Taylor told me that Lily asked her why she and Annabelle's daddy don't live together anymore. Ms. T. explained that she and Mr. D. had a difficult time sharing their toys. Lily went on to provide "marriage counseling", explaining why didn't they try sharing, and went on to explain how this is done! Love it! I do pray that Ms. T and Mr. D. can "use Lily's sharing strategies" and get back together!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Lily's 1st communion

Yesterday Lily took her first communion. She didn't want to go to Pre-K so she sat with Daddy and me during service. Toward the end of the service, communion was offered...I wasn't sure if she could take it or not so I left that up to Daddy. He said she could and he began to explain that the meaning of communion was to remember Jesus. Lily said, "I believe in Jesus". She went and took communion with Daddy. Scott Patterson an elder in the church was incredible with her, getting down to her level and explaining that this was Jesus' body and blood shed for her. On the way back Lily exclaimed, "That bread was good!"

Friday, July 1, 2011

A big improvement!

Lily is really maturing and growing in confidence. One area I really noticed this summer is her swimming! She has gotten really good! She loves to jump off the side and go underwater. She can swim a short distance both above and underneath the water. We are super proud of her!

Also after a rough start to the spring/summer, I have seen super improvement in her behaviors as well. She has become such a joy to be around when she is not tired! I hope this continues through the summer!