Saturday, February 9, 2013

She's been amazing!

There are times in the parenting journey when you look at your child and just marvel at how amazing they have been!  Our family has been going through some transition with Stian's family moving in with us, but Lily has just been incredible!  Super responsible, great listener, kind and courteous to others...just super duper amazing.  I am really proud of her!  As a treat, I am going to take her to get a manicure.  I hope she likes it!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lil mama

Lily has really been maturing.  While we still see some remnants of the "scary sixes", lately we have really seen her sweet nurturing side come out!  She's been like a lil' mama.  For the most part, she has been very kind and caring to her little brother and her little nephew 2.5-year-old Eirik who has moved in with us.  It's been very sweet.  She has earned many beads for her bead jar for showing kindness to others, being helpful, and following directions.  Needless to say, we are quite proud!