Thursday, January 17, 2013

Baton Twirler in the house

Sometime this fall or winter when Lily was with her Abuelita she saw a parade with a majorette.  She came home and told us she wanted to learn to twirl a baton like the girl in the parade.  Well, luckily we found a baton twirling class not too far from our house.  She started this week.  It should be fun to see how she likes it!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sensitive little soul

Today Lily comes upstairs from watching The Cat in the Hat with tears in her eyes.  She says, "Mommy I have tears in my eyes from the Grinches heart shrinking song".  Oh, what a sensitive little soul!  All we can do is hug and hold her as she cries her little heart out.  Of course, we tell her she can turn the movie off and that the Grinch is just pretend, but of course that doesn't help.  Eventually, she gathers herself together and returns downstairs to put another movie in the DVD player:)