Friday, December 20, 2013

An interesting conversation....

Tonight I had a very interesting and thought-provoking conversation with Lily

Lily:  I don't think Santa is going to bring me much this year, I have been bad.

Me:  Why do you say you have been bad?

Lily:  Because I am always getting in trouble and getting privileges taken away.

Me:  Why do you think that is happening?

Lily:  I don't know, maybe Satan is in me.

Me:  Why do you think that?  Where did you hear that?

Lily:  I don't know...

This conversation disturbs me on several levels.  Yes, she is human and has been making poor choices, hence sinful behavior.  We all do this from time to time.

However even though her behavior has been bad, she is not BAD as a bad person.

Next hearing her talk about Satan inside her....where on earth did she get that from?  I am not saying that I don't believe Satan can influence and deceive people because I do believe He is real and like scripture says is a liar and a deceiver.  That being said, we have never really talked about Satan with Lily in-depth except in reference to bible stories where He is mentioned.

So I am wondering....since her affect was so flat during this conversation was she trying to get a rise out of me?  Does she truly think she has been bad?  If she does think she has been "bad" is she remorseful?  Does she really believe Satan is in her? 

This especially makes me wonder in light of her story.  The spiritual battle for her while we were in Guatemala.  The spiritual battle for her every day.  I know God has great plans for her, but I will be honest and say the past few years have been quite difficult.  I won't lie and say that Olav and I haven't wondered if there is spiritual warfare going on for her.

Anyway, spiritual warfare is not a topic I like to discuss.  I find it scary and threatening.  Even though God has already won the battle and we already know the outcome. 

That being said, tonight's discussion was definitely thought-provoking and unsettling.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

She's going to be that "in demand" babysitter

Watch out world, once Lily hits 12 or 13 years old, she is going to be that "in-demand" babysitter!  I can already see it now.  She is really great with her little brother!!!!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The biggest smile!

Today Lily woke up with the biggest smile!  She came out and announced that she had finally reached 4 feet!  She felt herself grow overnight!  So we went in to measure her, and she was correct, she is just shy of 4 feet!  So exciting!  Her birth mother is only   4'2" so this is a BIG deal!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Goodbye September

Hard to believe Sept. has flown by.

Overall Lily has adjusted well to 2nd grade.  Math has been a little tough for her lately, her teacher recently moved her seat closer to her, so Lily could focus more during instruction.  The adjustment to routine has been a little challenging so we decided to try family counseling with the hopes of reducing the amount of screaming temper tantrums.  Not sure if it's going to help our not yet....the jury is still out.

The weather has been delightful, so we have been able to enjoy lots of things outside, including our bi-annual camping trip and the Color Run 5K.  So proud of Lily as she completed her second 5K!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

All about me paper

This week Lily came home with an All About Me paper that she had to fill in....

I just loved her answers so I wanted to write them down


When I was little...I loved to watch Dora
I speak Spanish
I like to think about the time I.....when Brooke came over


The best thing about me...I am a great big sister
If I could change something about me...I would not be angry
I really like to on the computer


This year I want to
In five years, I go to Guatemala and Norway
When I grow up, I' a horseback rider

Monday, August 19, 2013

2nd grade baby!

Can't believe it!  Lily is a 2nd grader!  I was so blessed to be able to take her to school today and meet her at the bus stop!  She seems like she had a great day!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Beach Babe

Recently, I asked Lily what she would tell her new teacher when her teacher asked her what she did this summer.  She replied, "I went to a lot of pools and beaches.".  Ain't that the truth!

We have spent the last 3 of the last 4 weeks at the beach!  Lily is a total beach babe!  Her confidence in the water is incredible.  She learned not only to go over the waves this year, but under as well.  She always wanted to be taken out!

Outer Banks with Elizabeth and Abigail Cagle


Bethany Beach with friends Chloe, Marie, Lily

Ocean City with Abuelita
Needless to's been an awesome summer!  On Monday, Lily becomes a big 2nd grader. I can't believe it.
Also Lily has a new nickname....we frequently call her Lily Bean...which recently has gotten shortened to Bean or Ocean City with Abuelitaeanie.  It's so cute to hear Ashton call for Beanie!


Monday, July 29, 2013


Lily finally learned how to ride her two-wheel bike last night!  I was so proud.

The process of getting to this point hadn't been pretty.  Lily did very well on her balance bike and she did very well on the trail-a-bike, but then one day when trying her balance bike, she fell off the bike and scraped herself up.  So needless to say getting her back on the bike took some effort!  We had to bribe her!  A few weeks ago we were out purchasing some shoes for Ashton at the local consignment shop and she saw a dress she wanted.  I told her I would buy it for her and she could have it when she learned how to ride her bike.  So at least that got her back on the bike.

On our first "re-try" outing she managed to use her two-wheeled bike as a balance bike.  On last night's outing, I told her she had to get her feet on the pedals.  Finally, after several attempts, she was successful!  We still have to practice a bit more to build up her confidence, but I think overall she's got it!  Hurray!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

More lil seeds of faith

One of the great things that brings me great joy in parenting is watching the seeds of faith being planted in my children.  This week Lily attended VBS at our friend's church and it's been cool to see her memorize scripture, open up the grown-up bible to chapters and verses and try to read from it, and hear her singing all the songs she has learned over the week.  Needless to say, it makes a mama's heart proud!  I just pray that those seeds will grow deep roots in her heart and that someday she will make a personal commitment of faith and choose to walk in His ways.

Monday, June 17, 2013

2nd grader in the house!

Can't believe it...Lily is officially now a 2nd grader! Where does the time go!!!!

She had a great 1st grade year with Mrs. Riner. She got to level 23 in reading which I believe is a second grade or very early 3rd grade reading level.

 Even though she is growing up so fast I did catch a rare glimpse of baby Lily the other day...we were cuddling on the bed together and half her face was sunken into the blankets and half her face was looking at me...and there it was...just for a fleeting lasted until she moved...I saw sweet little baby Lily age 2.5 laying in bed with sweet.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Well, we have had our official first bout of head lice. So gross! I still feel like I have bugs crawling all over me! It took me almost 2 hours to comb all the nits out of her hair. Hope they don't come back!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Jeremiah 1:5

Hard to believe our little girl is 7 years old today!  Recently I was reading a parenting book about praying for your children.  The author suggested claiming a scripture for your children. Posting it in their rooms, praying it over them with diligence.  Claiming that verse as your child's life verse.  While I thought it was a great idea at the time, I had little idea of what specific scripture verse would be Lily's until just a few days ago when I was reading another parenting book by a dear family friend.

It is Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed you in the womb I knew[you,
before you were born I set you apart...

This is so true of our beautiful Lily bean.  I am so convinced that before she was formed in her birthmother's womb, God knew Lily. He knew exactly what he wanted for her life.   Before she was born he set Lily apart to be a mighty warrior for Him.  Just knowing Lily and her life experiences up til now I am confident of this truth!  She is set apart for God's mighty calling!
Birthday breakfast with Shadow at Abuelitas

In other news, Lily spent her 7th birthday with her Abuelita, Tia Sharon, and Shiloh.  What a special treat.  They went horseback riding at Elk Mountain trails where Shiloh works.  Lily was so excited, she got to ride the horse Patches totally by herself.  While she has ridden a lot with a guide, it was her first time totally riding independently.  She was ecstatic.  She came home telling us how she got to control the horse all by herself and explained how she did that!  Needless to say, it was an awesome day! 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lil Diva

We have officially entered pre-teen girl at our house...(at the tender age of 6 going on 7).  First Lily lives in the land of eternal summer!  No matter how cold it is outside, she is wearing her short skirt, high heel sandals, and t-shirt.  Complete with her always-present blue and red ankle bracelets.

Next, it is not uncommon nowadays for her to change clothes about 4 times a day!  And of course, with each outfit changes, come accessory changes as well.  And where do you think all those outfits end up???  On the floor of course!  The life of a pre-pre-pre-teen diva!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

She's been amazing!

There are times in the parenting journey when you look at your child and just marvel at how amazing they have been!  Our family has been going through some transition with Stian's family moving in with us, but Lily has just been incredible!  Super responsible, great listener, kind and courteous to others...just super duper amazing.  I am really proud of her!  As a treat, I am going to take her to get a manicure.  I hope she likes it!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lil mama

Lily has really been maturing.  While we still see some remnants of the "scary sixes", lately we have really seen her sweet nurturing side come out!  She's been like a lil' mama.  For the most part, she has been very kind and caring to her little brother and her little nephew 2.5-year-old Eirik who has moved in with us.  It's been very sweet.  She has earned many beads for her bead jar for showing kindness to others, being helpful, and following directions.  Needless to say, we are quite proud!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Baton Twirler in the house

Sometime this fall or winter when Lily was with her Abuelita she saw a parade with a majorette.  She came home and told us she wanted to learn to twirl a baton like the girl in the parade.  Well, luckily we found a baton twirling class not too far from our house.  She started this week.  It should be fun to see how she likes it!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sensitive little soul

Today Lily comes upstairs from watching The Cat in the Hat with tears in her eyes.  She says, "Mommy I have tears in my eyes from the Grinches heart shrinking song".  Oh, what a sensitive little soul!  All we can do is hug and hold her as she cries her little heart out.  Of course, we tell her she can turn the movie off and that the Grinch is just pretend, but of course that doesn't help.  Eventually, she gathers herself together and returns downstairs to put another movie in the DVD player:)