Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Always the fashionista

Lily definitely has her own sense of style.  The more colorful the ensemble the better.  Plus add patterns and texture and you've got yourself a true fashionista.  Last week she got all dolled up for church, complete with a pink frilly skirt, pink Hello Kitty polka-dotted shirt, red sparkly shoes, a red pink, and brown circular pattern Fedora hat, and to top it all off, pink butterfly wings, and her fashion sticker portfolio.  Today's outfit was a true standout!  Again her pink Hello Kitty polka-dotted shirt, yellow skort, rainbow leggings, and multi-colored black sparkle Sketchers shoes.  Apparently, she topped off her outfit with her beautiful Guatemalan camouflage-like jacket!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Super Swimmer in the House

So proud of our Lily Bean...she started the FAST pre-comp swim team tonight...while I wasn't there to see it, Olav reported she swam across the pool from the 3 feet to the 9 feet 2 times without any assistance. So proud! These are the moments I wish I could share with her birth family!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lily's 1st fish!

Today was a fun special day.  We went to Greenbrier State Park to meet with some dear friends.  While there I received a text from our neighbors Jimmy and Cindy Trout.  The text read "We see you on the beach."  Jimmy and Cindy were out in the water on their boat fishing.  They invited Lily out to hang out on the boat with them.  Apparently they had been out their fishing for 2 hours and had caught practically nothing.  Lily came aboard and all of sudden they were catching large mouth bass left and right!  Lily had such a great time, she didn't want to come off the boat!  What an awesome day!