Sunday, February 22, 2015

Lily and the shower!

And so it begins!  Lily is the longest showerer ever....and she is only 8 years old!!!!  I can only imagine what the future may hold!

Also today, Lily finally began to embrace her inner sledder. I've always wondered why my kids simply dislike going out and playing in the snow.  I can remember growing up and spending hours out sledding...only to have my mother call us in hours later.  Finally kids went outside voluntarily to sled 3 times!!!!  Finally!  Now granted they wanted us with them, but at least they were out there!

On a more serious note, I have been wondering if we should search for biological family, especially in light of our upcoming trip to Guatemala in April.  I'm so conflicted.  For right now we are not going to search.  I hope we are not making a mistake.  My biggest fear in delaying the search is that something might happen to Lily's birthmother before she would have a chance to meet her.  On the other hand, there are so many other concerns that prevent us from searching as well (i.e. fear of what we may find out, long-term exploitation, and more complex emotional matters).  I guess time will tell.