Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Walk around the sun

A Montessori tradition to celebrate children's birthday's they typically do a "walk around the sun".  Lily's class did something slightly different this year where each child went around the room and said something nice about Lily and Ms. Edwards, the classroom assistant,  compiled the compliments and printed out the comments on a paper for Lily.  What a special keepsake!  Lily received it at the end of the school year and I kept forgetting to post it until now!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Can I wrap her in bubble wrap please?

Last day of 5th grade

Today is Lily's last day of 5th grade!  The end of 5th grade has been a whirlwind socially for her.  Many of her girlfriends are developing "crushes" on boys, sending notes to boys, and "asking boys out".  While she is not there yet, she sure is enjoying the drama of it all!  Lily appears to have a really good head on her shoulders, she doesn't seem to give in to peer pressure.  Apparently, her fellow classmates have been goober-heads and while the teacher is disciplining the group, she silently mouths to Lily "Not you".  She is however experimenting at home with boundaries. Sometimes being disrespectful and argumentative.  While I don't want to crush her spirit,  I'll admit it is hard to know where to draw the line in the sand.  I feel like it is a big learning curve for both of us!  I just want to wrap her in bubble wrap and keep her little!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Feeling emotional

Lily is growing up so fast!  Last night we had her welcome to middle school youth ministry.  I found myself teary-eyed!  I just can't believe she will be a "middle schooler".  I am thankful that she doesn't have to change schools and in some ways, she will be "sheltered" a little longer, but the writing is on the wall,  the next 3 years are going to be huge in terms of change and what she is exposed to.  It is my prayer that she really connects with some girls whose families know and love Jesus.  I pray that she will be protected and spared some of the hard parts of middle school. 

Today her class is going on an outdoor education camping trip overnight!  Next week she has puberty education.  Again, so grown up!!!!!

Outdoor Education 2017