Sunday, March 6, 2016

She is growing up so fast!

I've really felt like the secular world has really entered into Lily's world this year.  Lily has recently really gotten into pop music on the radio.  She loves to listen to Pandora and her iPod which has some songs on it!  I just wish some of the music was much more uplifting and encouraging!  She also continues to love reading!  She loves reading about horses and dogs.  Also lately she has stopped wearing her long skirts daily...makes a mama sad, but I know she's gotta grown up!

She continues to do well in school and her teacher talks about what a pleasure she is to have in class and even though she is a slow methodical worker, she works very hard.

She has decided to give swimming a rest for a while.  It makes Mama sad, but I also get it!  Hopefully, she finds something else she really likes!

Lily has made some new good friends at school and that seems to have made her quite happy!

The upper elementary just had a school dance this weekend and she decided she did not want to go!  I was surprised but also happy.  She is growing up way too fast already, no sense pushing it even more!

She continues to be a little mama.  It's sweet most of the time except when she is trying to mother her brother!  She was so sweet this week and made both herself and him dinner all by herself.  She is growing up so fast!